Pumping oil through filter press (cleaning)

Product model:
Industry / Branch:
Agriculture / food industry
Factory type / Production of:
Rapeseed oil refinery

The client has used in the past a other manufacture's pump.
This pump stopped frequently and had a lot of vibration during operations.
The pump had to be bolted to the floor because of that. We have replaced this pump with a Yamada NDP-40BAN.
After six months of use, the client wrote a review that the Yamada pump worked quietly, did not vibrate, did not move around the shop during operation.
He was impressed by the ease of use of the restart function of the Yamada pump.
Previously, when the air pressure and resistance pressure in the system were equalized, the conventional pump would stall.
To start it again, it had to be hit hard with a hammer to bring it out of deadheading.
To restart the Yamada pump, he just had to press the restart button!

As a result, the client no longer experienced equipment downtime.
After purchasing the first pump, the client purchased 8 more units.

It should also be noted, that the client made a serious mistake during the installationof the pump, in the air supply line.
Instead of feeding the pump with compressed air through a 1/2" pipe, the client used a pneumatic tube with an inner diameter of 10mm, which significantly reduced the performance.
After correcting this oversight, the client was surprised by the capabilities and power of the Yamada pumps.

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