Pumping of silicate solids

Product model:
Industry / Branch:
Factory type / Production of:
Producer of fumed silica

The pump is used for transferring silica gel from a big bag into a mixing reactor which is done once a day. Initially, the customer wanted
to opt fora Piab vacuum conveyor but was convinced such would have been an relatively expensive solution as it would require the
expense of around EUR 15 k versus the far more costs effective solution Yamada offered.
Often we will see that customers out of habit or due to lack of knowledge will select a correct technical solution but not always the most
cost-friendly, this case was one of many in which the customer could spend his money on other things as well.
Transferring solids is always tricky and difficult to handle with a AODD and needs each individual case again to be checked if it is a correct solution. But if it works, it is a simple, low-tech good way of handling solids. Please refer to our manual or contact your local Yamada representative to obtain more details.


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