Pumping abrasive ceramic material FFC (fine fire clay) used mainly for flat shaped wash-basins etc

Product model:
Industry / Branch:
Factory type / Production of:
Production of sanitary ware

The customer has used other manufacture's aluminum pumps to pump the abrasiveceramic material. The pump lasts usually1-2 months.
After this period, thedischarge manifold was broken down.
The reason was, that the abrasive material has sharpened through the manifolds wall, created a hole in it and leaked out. After installation of NDP-80BAC, the pump lasts 6 months before manifold broke. The reason is, that Yamada has 6 ribs in the outlet manifold to center the ball, while other manufacture has only 2 (4) ribs (in Aluminum pumps).
On the pictures you can see the manifold after 6 months of operation. Also the NDP-80BAC chambers lasts longer,
compared to other manufacture. After a 1 year testing, the customer has saved a lot of money for spare parts and decided to exchange other manufacture's pumps by Yamada, in every next case, when others broke down.


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