Transfer of liquids with H2SO4, FeSO4, CuSO4

Product model:
Industry / Branch:
Factory type / Production of:
Electric car battery manufacturing

Focusing on the added value our Yamada pumps and distributors provide

Our Hungarian distributor like so many others often receive RFQ's based on competing AODD specifics. Making your quote based on the specifications of another AODD is never a good point to start with. Instead of just going the easy way it is much better to try to get in touch and consult with your (potential) client and start a dialog as to see what their process is like and get to know their ultimate goal, how can we transfer something with an AODD pump in the most efficient, durable way to support the overall manufacturing process. This way one may discuss all the details like the heavy and large DN50 suction and discharge hoses, the fixation with camlock, using a FRL unit, PTFE coating for the air motor, the cart and wheels, materials etc. This led to a well balanced solution presented in a truly client tailored solution including relevant referrals. A no-brainer!

The clue?
It doesn't matter if your potential buyer may have already decided which AODD make and model he thinks he would prefer.
Solid technical knowledge and your willingness to listen and understand the challenge your client faces will result in trust and may award you with your next top quality Yamada AODD pump order as a natural result of that!

Yamada: Best is not good enough!

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